The Forgotten Rebels

In a world and time when sex was everywhere, sponsorship was a sellout, and political correctness did not exist, The Forgotten Rebels were born.
The punk rock movement had just begun, and the young teens of the day were drawn to the chaos, rawness, and truth of this new mutation. In 1977, a raged group of motley youth from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada were about to introduce a decidely more in your face approach to music and songwriting. This movement by the Forgotten Rebels would influence punk rock for future generations.
During the band\'s infancy, a decision was made to question everything, everyone, and everywhere. We were all part of the joke, including themselves. Singer and founding member Mickey DeSadist recalls: \"The bands I admired most were Bowie, T-Rex, Slade, New York Dolls, Gary Glitter, and The Sweet. However, being new our musical instruments, the best we could pull off were bad out of key versions, so we decided to write out own songs with less chords instead\".
In the summer of 77\', they released a cassette tape entitled \"Burn The Flag\". Shortly thereafter they followed with the infamous 4 song EP \"Tomorrow Belongs To Us\". This record garnered the Rebels a myriad of attention and critical acclaim. Currently, the EP now commands $250-400. It is regarded internationally as one of the finest punk rock records ever made, and was reissued on CD in 1998.
The first full length album was released in 1980, entitled \"In Love With The System\". It solidified their position in punk rock forever. The album was an instant favourite. In 1982, \"This Ain\'t Hollywood\" was released. The album showcased DeSadist\'s strong pop sensibility along with his flare for composing catchy punk rock hooks. To this day, \'Surfin\' On Heroin\' plays in all of the coolest punk rock jukeboxes.
Over the years, the band would release a plethora of full lengths, EPs, and singles proving their worth on the top shelf punk music. Long time Rebels guitarist Jeff Campbell continues to add shape and energy to the band\'s music, while veteran punk rock drummer Dan Casale\'s stamina is a force that continues driving songs with over the top adrenaline.
In 2023, The Forgotten Rebels invited Gymbo Jak (Dayglo Abortions, Sick Sense, Grey Bush) to look after bass guitar responsibilities. Fans and critics are convinced that this lineup is not only refreshing, but by far their strongest, ever. Gymbo\'s muscle and musical abilities push the band\'s mercury even higher.
Fast forward to today...The Forgotten Rebels are working on new material. They also continue to perform their beloved punk rock anthems to a demographically mixed audience everywhere they go. Younger fans add to the legacy, while the diehards never let go.